The Brentor Playing Field was donated to the village in 1930 for use as a recreational area.

It is a large enclosed field with access via a main gate from Burn Lane and two pedestrian gates on the lane from the village.

For many years it was used as the home ground for the village cricket team, but eventually fell into disuse as interest declined.

In 2016, the Brentor Village Hall and Playing Field committee started the Friends of the Field scheme to help raise funds to restore and maintain the Field.

In response to a parish wide survey the committee developed a plan to demolish the old pavilion which was becoming dangerously rotten, and replace it with an open shelter providing seating, picnic tables, an eco-friendly toilet, hard standing or parking and a play area for children.

Following this installation, the play equipment was extended and the area securely fenced. The Lydford Foxes youth football teams, aged 7 to 14, used the Field as their home ground from 2018 to 2021, but had to discontinue this due to extensive surface damage by wildlife

The surface is now recovering (December 2023), the grass is cut frequently during the season and the perimeter hedges are trimmed annually

Thank you for visiting the Brentor Village Hall and Playing Field Website